Keeping Calcium Hardness Low

If you’ve noticed a trend in the swimming pool industry in the winter time you wouldn’t be alone. Many people feel that when the water is cold nothing needs to be done. In fact, since nobody is swimming why would we need to do anything with our swimming pool? Well, let us be the first to inform you that even when the water is cold and even when you aren’t swimming you should still take care of your swimming pool especially in the area we live in. Let’s face it after a long hot summer it does take a lot more work to make sure your water chemistry is “on point” but that doesn’t mean that since you aren’t swimming that you shouldn’t care about it. In fact, if we were to ask you how much you love your pool wouldn’t you probably say a lot? The bottom line is our water is hard, it can cause damage to your swimming pool if you leave it untreated and your pH can fluctuate even when the water is cold. So, let’s discuss what you should be doing even when you aren’t swimming.

First off, not much should be different as you should still check your chlorine and pH regularly and you should also monitor your Calcium Hardness levels too! If you choose to check your water chemistry every other week instead of every week that should be okay but if your Calcium Hardness levels are over 600ppm or your TDS levels are over 3000ppm it is definitely time to change out the water in your swimming pool. Please keep in mind waiting for summer isn’t the best idea because the longer you keep hard water in your pool the more damage it does to your water tile line, interior finish, filtration equipment, spillways, and decorative water features. This means if a pool professional has told you that it is time to change out the water in your swimming pool which is common this time of year we want you to think twice before you drain it. Remember, we have hard water in the Orange County area and it can’t compare to the Reverse Osmosis (RO) water that we can give you if you choose to recycle your pool water. Our service can be performed all year round, it is much better than a drain and refill, and it gives you and your family the best water to swim in.

During this time we highly recommend changing out the water in your pool if necessary. You should also be monitoring your chlorine levels and pH levels too. This can prevent the water from scaling if the pH gets too high and algae from blooming if you don’t have enough chlorine. Even though the water is cold it still needs some chlorine (1ppm) so don’t neglect your pool even though you aren’t swimming. In fact, monitor it all year round because the longer you keep good water in your pool the longer your pool will last. If you should have any questions, please contact us today!