Back in late January of 2016 we visited Pure Water Industries in Vista, CA. We made a decision to purchase one of their mobile filtration trailers so we could offer the Puripool Process. Due to the extreme drought in Southern California we felt strongly about our purchase because individuals should change out the water in their swimming pools every two years because of high calcium hardness and total dissolved solids. As water evaporates these hardness minerals remain in solution and cause a variety of issues that make taking care of a swimming pool extremely challenging. As these numbers rise, pool professionals will recommend changing out the water in your swimming pool. Due to the drought, instead of draining a swimming pool there is now a way to recycle the water, lower the solid levels and most importantly conserve water. We knew there was a need for this service so we purchased a trailer from them and should be up and running in the Santa Ana, California area in the beginning of June.
Some of the benefits of using the Puripool Process include:
- Water Conservation – Saving a precious, and limited, resource
- Less Chemical Demand and greater equipment reliability
- Less hard water build-up
- No Down Time – Pool can remain open during treatment
- Plaster is not exposed or compromised
- Soft-water swimming experience
The Puripool Process lowers or removes:
- Calcium Hardness
- Cyanuric Acid
- Borates
- Salt
- Iron
- Copper
- Magnesium
- Algaecides
- Sequestering Agents
- Phosphates
- Bacteria and Viruses
- Total Dissolved Solids
Residential pool water needs to be removed and replaced every 2 years, depending on starting TDS and Calcium Hardness levels. In less than a day, the mobile filtration unit will not only remove the hard water minerals from the pool, allowing your customers to use fewer chemicals, but will also retain nearly 85% of the existing water. Your customers will be left with a swimming pool that is as clean as bottled drinking water!
We are extremely excited to have this service available to you in the beginning part of June! If you should have any questions or are looking to have the service performed, call us today!
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