If you live in the California area, it shouldn’t be a surprise to you that we are in a drought. It’s pretty much in the news everyday but recently there have been reports that Northern California is doing much better. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case for the rest of us so water conservation should be discussed, residents should be aware of it and we must do everything we can to save as much water as we can! In a recent report in the LA Times, they described last year’s water as dry! According to the LA Times, “There were high hopes going into water year 2016. To hear some forecasters and scientists tell it, El Niño was coming to save California. With a little luck and a lot of rain, the drought might finally recede in its fifth year — or at least loosen its grip on the state. If you had to put a one-word descriptor on this water year, it would be ‘dry,’” said Doug Carlson, a spokesman for the California Department of Water Resources.”

This is just one of the many articles that have been published recently describing the seriousness of what is going on in our area. Residents need to continue with the strict nature of their water conservation efforts and at Pool Water Recycling we want to make you aware of what you can do as a homeowner with a swimming pool to make a large impact of water conservation. Now that we are into the fall season and swim season is winding down, swimming pools are used less and if you’re dealing with “hard” water this is typically the time when it is safe to drain your swimming pool. Not only is this a huge waste of water but also unnecessary but at Pool Water Recycling we want to give you a much better solution. As calcium hardness, total dissolved solids (TDS) and cyanuric acid levels rise in a swimming pool they cause many different challenges that swimming pool owners need to deal with. Until recently, most people would just drain the pool and refill it but that is a huge waste of water and not the smartest thing to do. We offer you a mobile filtration trailer that comes to your home and takes the water out of the pool and into our trailer where six sets of Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes lower those contaminants in the water. After the water is filtered it returns back to the pool in its purest state. By using our service, you can conserve 85% of the existing water in the swimming pool, you can swim in the pool while the process is being performed, we are typically done in less than a day and we give you much better water than what comes out of your tap.

As a homeowner or commercial property swimming pool owner, draining your swimming pool is a huge waste of water. On average you can save more than 20,000 gallons of water every day by using our service, which makes it the largest water conservation act that you can do in a short amount of time. So the next time someone recommends draining your swimming pool, call us instead because not only will you conserve the water but you will get a much better end product too. If you’re curious as to how this is done, contact us today to learn more!!