In the past couple of months, we have been recycling swimming pool water in a couple of different commercial swimming pool outfits.

We’ve noticed an increase in these type of requests because, in California, commercial swimming pools are highly regulated due to the number of bathers. Not to mention, the cities have a lot more strict regulations when it comes to water chemistry in their swimming pools. Typically the following are reasons why a commercial swimming pool would be out of compliance:

  • High calcium hardness levels
  • High total dissolved solids (TDS) levels
  • High cyanuric acid (CYA) levels
  • Presence of a waterborne disease

Depending on the circumstance, commercial swimming pools could be shut down until anyone of these is handled. In the end, commercial swimming pools are highly regulated and we hope this blog post informs you on how we can help and why we are the best solution.

Whether you swim in a water park, hotel/resort, apartment/condo or public swimming pool you will always take a risk because you have no idea what is in the water. Just because the water is blue and clear doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe to swim in. Taking your own precautions when swimming in a commercial swimming pool is always highly recommended. But, how do commercial swimming pools deal with increases in calcium hardness, TDS and other factors and why does that happen? Our fill water in California is loaded with calcium and other hardness minerals. As water in the swimming pool evaporates, these hardness levels will increase in the swimming pool fairly rapidly because they don’t dissolve and they do remain in solution. For commercial swimming pools, the most common delivery of chlorine is by liquid injection. This liquid is loaded with salt, which causes the TDS levels to rise in the swimming pool. At this point, the commercial property will need to change out the water in the swimming pool. When this time comes around (could be once per year) Pool Water Recycling can come with our mobile filtration trailer to recycle the existing water in the swimming pool. This is extremely beneficial to the property because of the following factors:

  • No downtime – you can swim in the pool while the process is being performed
  • The liner is never exposed
  • We leave you with better water than what comes out of the tap
  • Water Conservation – we conserve up to 85% of the existing water in the swimming pool
    • Commercial properties are urged to save as much water as possible
  • Lowers the chances of calcium buildup on the swimming pool if process is performed regularly
  • Water quality is the best
  • Swimmers will notice a difference in the feel of the water

If you own a commercial swimming pool and are concerned about the regulations, contact us today so we can make sure you stay in compliance. For commercial swimming pools, we do recommend this service about one time a year depending on the number of swimmers but if you’re concerned with regulations and being shut down, contact us today!