When fall hits, the cooler temperatures at night can drastically change how your pool water feels. These cooler temperatures also affect pool water chemistry as well. That’s why as a pool owner understanding how pool water chemistry changes in cooler weather is extremely important. First, you can begin to save money by lowering your chlorine use and filtration run times. Since algae doesn’t like cold water you can lower chlorine usage to 1-3 parts per million. You can also typically run your pool filter for 2-3 hours less per night as well. These two factors alone can save you a fair amount of money during fall, winter and early into the spring season.


Now that the temperatures are decreasing can I drain my swimming pool?


This is a popular question because anytime the temperature is above 90 degrees it is extremely dangerous to drain your swimming pool but that changes now. Please note, you still need to filter swimming pool water during the winter so if your water is hard, change it as soon as possible because it will cause damage to your pool!


If your Calcium Hardness (CH) levels are high in your swimming pool the longer you leave it in your swimming pool that more damage it causes. Many people will ask us, “Should I wait to use you until the spring when we start swimming again?” The answer is no because the longer you leave water with high levels of CH in your swimming pool the more damage it causes to your tile, interior finish, filtration equipment, salt chlorinator and to your pocketbook. Even though you might not be swimming anymore, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be concerned about your water chemistry.


At Pool Water Recycling, we offer Reverse Osmosis (RO) mobile filtration that comes to your residential or commercial swimming pool and recycles your pool water onsite. This process is safe 365 days a year. Since we never expose the interior finish you don’t have to worry about cracking the foundation of the pool. We conserve up to 85% of the existing water in the pool and we leave you with drinking quality water in your pool. The water will not only look great but feel great too. Running water that is lower in CH will prevent scaling from occurring. This will ultimately save you time and money. Since we use RO filtration we also help with the following:


  • High TDS levels
  • High CYA levels
  • High phosphate levels
  • Waterborne diseases


This process is safe for all pools and can be performed in less than a day for a majority of residential swimming pools. In the end, your pool water chemistry will change in cooler weather but it still should be monitored and if you need to change out the water in your pool please contact us today!