The importance of clean commercial pool water is extremely vital especially if you frequent public swimming pools. Now that it is officially spring and swim season is just around the corner we feel this blog post has perfect timing to make you aware of why clean and clear water is so important. First, a commercial swimming pool can be defined as any one of the following:

  • Apartment complexes or condos
  • Water parks
  • Schools or Universities
  • Community association swimming pools

If you enjoy swimming in public pools you should be concerned because anytime you have a large number of bathers in the swimming pool the risk for waterborne diseases (cryptosporidium) and other issues to occur is much higher. This should concern you because the chances of you or your family getting sick are extremely high! When dealing with commercial pools they also have challenges with the following:

  • High Calcium Hardness (CH)
  • High Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
  • High Cyanuric Acid (CYA)
  • High Salts
  • High Phosphates

Specifically, in California, swimming pools are regulated for TDS and CYA. TDS will climb rapidly due to the fact that many commercial swimming pools inject liquid chlorine which is loaded with salt so monitoring water chemistry is extremely important. That’s why at Pool Water Recycling we offer a great solution for you. Our Reverse Osmosis (RO) mobile filtration trailer comes to your commercial swimming pool and recycles the water onsite. We can conserve up to 85% of the existing water in the swimming pool and your guests can swim in the pool while it is being filtered which means no downtime. We have purified many commercial swimming pools including Cal Lutheran University. This has allowed us to have a lot of success because we have the ability to keep TDS and CYA lower and that in turn keeps your swimming pool in compliance. If you frequent commercial swimming pools, this is a service you will want to recommend because we can guarantee safe and clean water for you and your family to swim in!

Please keep in mind, draining a swimming pool is extremely dangerous and also puts your pool down for a few days. Using RO filtration not only saves the water but also gives your bathers the best water quality to swim in. If you should have any questions in regards to our service, please contact us today to learn more!