When Steven Hicks, the brewer at the Anaheim Karl Strauss Brewing Company location needed Reverse Osmosis water for a special german style lager that he was working on, he called on Pool Water Recycling’s mobile, industrial sized Reverse Osmosis unit to process a little over a thousand gallons of RO water for his new lager.

When he tasted the finished product, he again called us out to purify over a thousand gallons of tap water with our industrial Reverse Osmosis trailer.  He also wanted to share the result of the last round of purified water.  He used the Reverse Osmosis water and mixed in almost 20 percent of tap water to create what he calls “The Wiggle Back Helles” which is a light, refreshing lager with a malty backbone.

Wiggle Back Helles has outsold all of their other lighter style beers at the Anaheim location, and there is only a very small quantity left.  The next beer that is on tap for the Reverse Osmosis water has been described by Hicks as another light and refreshing beer.  We can only hope that it is as fantastic as Wiggle Back.  Hicks already has proclaimed it one of his best beers yet- and he has created quite a few great ones.